
The people of Iskander are, for the most part, a relaxed and comfortable population. Life on Iskander moves at a slower pace than it does in the rest of the Federation (except possibly Shoreridge III). Due to the vast amount of arable land on the surface, there are few concentrations of population and most people on Iskander enjoy a simple, rural life.

Iskanders are characterised by a soft-spoken but stubborn demeanor. They are a tremendously patient people who rarely show any strong emotion. However, once they are roused, they can be an implacable and surprisingly dangerous enemy due to their strength (a result of living on a planet with a gravitational fi eld approximately 20% stronger than Earth’s). This quality makes Iskanders valuable recruits for Federal Service, particularly the Mobile Infantry.

The population of Iskander is about 80 percent citizen, the highest percentage of citizens in any population in the Federation. Attracted by Iskander’s relaxed and comfortable lifestyle, many citizens come to Iskander after retiring from Federal Service, seeking a new adventure without the danger of serving in the military.

Chilly relations between the citizens and civilians of Iskander have been a recurrent theme on the planet throughout its history. Most often, this is instigated by the civilians, who object to what they perceive as favouritism toward the citizens of the planet on the part of the governor or even the UCF itself, in awarding everything from labour contracts to land allocations. Usually, these misunderstandings are quickly resolved.
