Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Tattoo/doc

local p = {}
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

local commendations = 

local output = [[
<div class="%%1%%">

function p.Main( frame )
    local t = {}
    local tables = 'Commendations'
    local fields = 'Commendation, COUNT(*)'

    local args = {
        groupBy = 'Commendation',
        where = 'Recipient = "' .. frame.args[1] .. '" AND Approved = true'

    local results = cargo.query( tables, fields, args )
    local groups = {}
    for r = 1, #results do
        local r = results[r]
        groups[r.Commendation] = r["COUNT(*)"]

    output = string.gsub(output, "%%1%%", "tattoo-1")
    return output

return p
