Date 2321/01/03
Attending physician Ed Bowman (500271)
Severity Mild
Details Incident reported during RnR, orbit on Gilante. Throntin and CPO. Lexi Reinhart report the almost same incident.

The patient experienced virtually the same events as Throntin : while bunking together with a staff sergeant, they both heard a knock on the door and opened it as the MI NCO was busy. As soon as Throntin opened it, little baby dolls started falling through the roof, then human bones; Throntin heard knocking further down the hall and followed the source of the noise. Opening a second door, Throntin reportedly felt numerous symptoms: extremely painful migraines, blurry and impaired vision similar to fainting, static ringing in their ears.

When they left the room, they saw it catching fire: everyone inside was panicking, yet Throntin simply blew at it, putting it out.

Both the patient and Throntin made for the hospital, which was abandoned. During their time there, both witnessed a shadowy figure walking down the hallway. Throntin decided to take action and tried approaching it, only for the hallway to become empty except for a burning MI jumping out of a window.

When the patient re-entered the room, everything was fine: no broken window, no figure. Throntin settled for bed. Patient has no recollection of the seizure and nosebleed described by Throntin.

Patient reported suspicion of being drugged or under psychic attack; ruled out due to the nature of the symptoms and incident. Psychic attack ruled out; it is my opinion no bug can reach as far as from the planet and into orbit, and I do not think any human can psychically attack another without physical contact. Possible diagnosis : latent manifestation of psychic powers.

Treatment None - redirected to MIPOD health specialists Dr. Thomas and Dr. Kettelarji.
