The Punishers success at Chastrilles brings to an end the vicious two month long campaign that was started by the Mobile Infantry. The crew returns to the Explorer to await further tasking.

Unit news

  • 2330-14-02: Anna Malgosia is promoted to Master Sergeant and XO of the Punishers.
  • 2330-14-02: Alex Petrov has been promoted to Lieutenant and takes the CO position of the Punishers.

Standing Orders

  • Anyone the rank of Corporal or higher, may partakes in armory duty. Seek out a Sergeant or higher for a key.
  • Drop leads are reminded to complete AARs for each deployment undertaken.
  • Loaded weapons are not permitted outside the armory, without express permission or for range use.
  • The current drink limit as put in place by Captain Carter is currently, four drinks.
  • Leads and Second In Command positions on drops may not use any specialist equipment on drops. They should focus on leading.
