With the death of Lieutenant Alexos Petrov the Punishers gain new leadership, coming under the new callsign of Misfit. Lieutenant Raymond Mitchell transferred in to take leadership. Bringing with him a trusted Senior Non Commissioned Officer, Master Sergeant Kara Cox. The Misfits gears up, ready to head into the AQZ

Unit news

22/02/2023: Lieutenant Raymond Mitchell arrives as a transfer to the Explorer to take the CO position. 22/02/2023: Master Sergeant Kara Cox arrived as a transfer to the Explorer to take the XO position. 22/02/2023: Johnathan Hyde is promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Standing Orders

  • Anyone the rank of Corporal or higher, may partakes in armory duty. Seek out a Sergeant or higher for a key.
  • Drop leads are reminded to complete AARs for each deployment undertaken.
  • Loaded weapons are not permitted outside the armory, without express permission or for range use.
  • The current drink limit as put in place by Captain Carter is currently, four drinks.
  • Troopers are encouraged to specialize. Those seeking such should speak to any trooper with the specialization they want.
