
In this page we cover all the Roleplaying Attributes, or Stats as we may call them; What they do to the dot; And how they work alongside our dice system alongside the rules regarding it when trying to engage in combat or other similar actions through dice.

Starting with the core of it all - the stats.


Each of them have their own unique properties. The mechanical maximum of each stat is 30. Let's get into it.


- Increases your ducking speed. (+3% Ducking speed every full DEX point) {caps at +90% Ducking speed at 30 DEX points}

- Increases your unducking speed. (+3% Unducking speed every full DEX point) {caps at +90% Unducking speed at 30 DEX points}

- Increases your crouch walking speed. (+3% Crouch walking speed every full DEX point) {caps at +90% Crouch walking speed at 30 DEX points}

- Increases your jump height. (+1.1% Jump height every full DEX point) {caps at +33% Jump height at 30 DEX points}

- Increases your running speed. (+0.84% Running speed every full DEX point on average) {caps at +25% Running speed at 30 DEX Points} (Broken at the moment, needs fixing)

- Increases your ladder climbing speed. (+3% Ladder climbing speed every full DEX point) {caps at +90% Ladder climbing speed at 30 DEX points}


- Increases you maximum HP. (+1.67 HP every full Endurance Point on average) {caps at +50 HP at 30 END points}


- Decreases your Stamina usage speed. (-1.67% Stamina usage every full Stamina Point on average) {caps at -50% Stamina usage at 30 STA points}


- Increases your inventory carry weight. (+0.5kg Carry weight every full Strength Point) {caps at +15kg Carry weight at 30 STR points)


- Increases your reloading speed. 
- Decreases your recoil. 
- Decreases your spread. 


- WIP.


- WIP.


- WIP.


- WIP.


- WIP.


- WIP.


- WIP.

Skinnie Language:

- Influences how well you can read the Skinnie language. (We have a custom script which encrypts the Skinnie language and only those with high enough stats can read it well. The more points you got, the more it gets decrypted)

The stats also have usage in dice-backed actions. Let's see how so:


- Used to check if you can precisely aim your weapon during an aiming and shooting action.

- Used to check if you can dodge a melee attack.

- Used to check if you can land your melee attack.

- Used for other dexterity related actions.


- Used to see if you can endure the shot you just took for a little longer. (Max of three shots)

- Used to check if you can endure a melee attack if you didn't dodge.

- Used for other endurance related actions.


- Used for stamina related actions.


- Used to see how strong your melee attack is.

- Used for other strength related actions.


- In rare occasions they replace Dexterity for aim precision check. Admin discretionary.

Skinnie Language:

- Irrelevant to Dice Combat.

Let's get into more detail on how the rolls work:


These are the rolls you might see every now and then. Let's see the easy to understand ones first.


If you do /roll 1d20, the above will be the output. A standard 20 face dice will be rolled. This could be used in numerous occasions, the amount of dices and amount of faces is determined by an Admin+ in a case-by-case bias.


If you do /roll, the above will be the output. The default minimum value is 0. This is a standard roll, and can be used in a many ways or form.


If you do /roll 95 100, you're specifying a minimum and a maximum, in this respective order. This can also be used in a variety of situations, the minimum and maximum determined by an Admin+ in a case-by-case bias.


If you do /roll STR (could also be STA/DEX/END), the above will be the output. At first glance its a lot, but its easy to understand. The default minimum we have for stat rolls is -50, the maximum is 50. Anything negative in value is a failure. Anything positive in value is a success. The base result is shown first, then the stat is accounted for for the next result, generating the final result.


DEX, in particular, has a secret boost modifier that can be boosted by a hidden stat called 'PSI', which only Psychics have. You don't need to worry about this since it is rarely used.


Finally, if you do /roll DEX +50, you're specifying a custom modifier to your final result. This can be used to represent an XA approved drug-enhanced performance {IC}, or represent an upper hand you might have in a specific situation over whoever you're engaging. A negative modifier could also represent your perilous state during a certain action that which would affect the action in a 'realistic' sense.

While complex at first glance, it easily boils down once you practice it enough.


Still work in progress as of December 29th, 2022.

Last revision: December 29th, 2022.
