Date 2023/01/03
Attending physician James Spencer (500153)
Severity Mild
Details Patient suffered a broken nose as a result of a low-level fall.
Treatment The bleeding was stopped using a haemostatic gauze and padding. The bleeding did not last long, approximately three minutes in total. This was about thirty seconds of heavy bleeding followed by two minutes and thirty seconds of light bleeding.

Fracture noted due to obvious misalignment, with the bridge of the nose pointing to the left. Cold compress given before CT scan.

A CT scan revealed a low-level fracture in the cartilage with minor damage to the nasal bone. Local anaesthetic applied and nose subsequently manually realigned. The nose was then secured using padding and an external dressing.

Patient was given a prescription for the following and discharged:

- Cyclofenal, 100mg, 16 strips

- Amoxicilin, 250mg, 21 tablets
